it Has saved the Federal Council tens of thousands of lives? A study by the Imperial College London, comes to this conclusion: The Swiss Lockdown have prevented 52’000 deaths. The result was published by the specialist magazine “Nature”, a beacon of respectability.

More can not expect a country by its government, actually.

The economist Bruno S. Frey has been expecting from the Federal Council other: for more discussion about different views. He comes to the conclusion: “Our democracy is not so great, as many – including me – thought.”

Has acted, the Federal Council is undemocratic?

The Swiss democracy formed the framework in which the government was a College in Bern. So the seven jointly responsible Minister acted not undemocratic, but on the basis of the Constitution of compliant special powers.

the Federal Council should lead a public debate, before he made his Decisions? He should have been, as Frey complained, “different views” and “Alternative offer”, and then select the best solution?

Such a selection process requires verifiable facts, supported by experience and facts. Exactly, but it was not at the time of the Corona-outbreak – and it is available today only in its infancy. The state government could not choose between right and wrong, because right and wrong no criteria were supplied as a package insert of the pandemic. Not only the Swiss Executive was unaware, as she was condemned by a medical emergency, the sole responsibility of the whole world it was!

Without a select – to choose – to, had to decide the Federal Council: every month, every week, every day, every hour.

Decide means: can be right or you can be wrong, but you have to do it, because time is of the essence because lives are at stake, such as, for example, in the case of the Corona pandemic. Any decision in an emergency, implies that the decision makers, the Alternative to sit in the neck, which he has discarded, and which might later prove to be better.

In retrospect, everyone knows it better – especially, of course, academic catheter heroes.

The Federal Council, which is as good as no Corona-Knowledge was available, acted and learned and acted on and corrected, and acted and made a mistake. The result of the “Nature”of the invoice: 52 000 saved people’s lives. Also, this number is not secure, because uncertainty will always remain Lockdown reality.

The Federal Council is served at the peak of the pandemic scare two tight neo-liberal Economics professors, professional colleagues of Bruno S. Frey. One of the two said, “that it needs, especially in times of crisis, the first law of Economics, in order to verify with due objectivity” of the policy Decisions. The man pleaded for a “controlled infection”, which should have run on so-called herd immunity. His colleague raved about it, the Infected and what to this day is controversial – henceforth to be understood as a health, political and economically valuable resource “to be Immune breeders” – the mentality of livestock.

Sweden has made on this path. The result: significantly more death – and no herd immunity. The Swedish Disaster also had an impact on the economy.

The neo-liberal Economism proved to be in the fatal practice of Sweden, as what he always was: vulgar Darwinian infantilism.

In the Federal Council room, this time-honored space of the Swiss democracy, decide on weal and Woe in Corona-times seven adults.