A dark-skinned man and a fair-skinned woman knelt Hand in Hand in the “Black Lives Matter”-rally in the Park of the St. Gallen Canton school. They are emblematic of the concerns of the two demonstrations: “no to racism” and violence against women.

The mostly young participants of the Anti-racism Demo were followed on Saturday with a call after the death of George Floyd, on 25. May was in Minneapolis in the USA. The event took place five days after the funeral, a brutal police operation killed African-American.

participated in protests, participants gathered in the early afternoon on the St. Gallen Bears. A young dark-skinned woman read the last sentences of Floyd’s, which are recorded on Video. The images of the police action went around the world. The peaceful March moved through the city and gathered in Kantipark.

Only a few Hundred meters away, about 300 women made up a year after the woman’s strike to draw attention to their concerns. 14. June 2019 were pulled over 5000 people through the streets of St. Gallen. The women protested on Saturday in a March against low wages in care professions, and the contempt of the Care work. The new St. Gallen, SP-councillor Laura Bucher and the St. Gallen national councillor Barbara Gysi, President of the St. Gallen trade Union Federation, marched with.