Facebook, Google and other Online companies want to intensify their efforts in the fight against child abuse in the network. The Tech company introduced on Thursday a multi-stage Plan for that. Among other things, they want to invest even more in technology that will, among other things, child pornographic Material can be detected. In addition there will be annual progress reports and Meetings with government authorities and law enforcement.

The companies have been working together for years in this area. So Microsoft’s technology, PhotoDNA, is used to detect abuse images and to take from the grid. The platforms to exchange data, once discovered, the content can be stopped, but the re-Upload on other platforms immediately. Among the participants of the new program, “Project Protect” are also Twitter and the Online storage service Dropbox as well as several organizations that fight against child abuse.

The Tech companies have to find in spite of all previous efforts, new solutions, because the distribution of child abuse Material transferred in part to the largely anonymous Dark Web, as well as in closed Chat-groups, with protection by means of encryption.

child abuse is one of the arguments, with which the authorities require, among other things, in the United States and the United Kingdom a softening of the encryption in the chat services like Facebook’s Whatsapp.