family gatherings, eat in larger rounds, Toast with passing the exams, In Thuringia, such gatherings are for Saturday again. As the first state, the free state has ended its contact with limitations due to Corona-pandemic and cancelled. So far, only people from a maximum of two were allowed in Thuringia hold meetings. Now only recommendations apply: You should meet with not more than one household, or ten other people. There’s criticism, in Thüringen itself.

In other States threaten fines. Those who do not believe in Thuringia, the recommendations must expect no consequences. In Bavaria, it was called the way of the neighboring country, “irresponsible”, also in Hessen you responded skeptically. Brandenburg, however, pulled on Friday: Starting on Monday, the contact restrictions in this state. Distance and hygiene rules remain – such as in Thuringia, too.

While the Situation in the Thuringian circle continues to be critical: On Saturday, the infection rate was only just below the mark of 35 new infections per 100,000 population within a week. The number of known infections rose by 3 to 284, such as the district office informed. That’s why the circle is not implementing all of the new Thuringian Corona-regulation relaxations. By way of General decree is extended in a circle about the obligation to Wear mouth-nose protection and also applies to persons Employed in shops as well as service staff in restaurants.

In many States apply contact restrictions until at least the end of June. Prime Minister of Thuringia Bodo Ramelow (Left) had been taken three weeks ago nationwide for excitement as he announced, the citizens take more responsibility to trust and to want to be Commanded of Forbidden pass. Even if this direction is taken with the end of the contact restrictions now – all the freedoms of the Thuringian have not come back yet.

In the public transport such as Bus, train or Tram you need to wear the masks, just as in shops and supermarkets. Nightclubs and brothels remain closed. Large family gatherings with more than 30 people in enclosed spaces, or more than 75 people under the sky have to be registered with the respective municipality two days in advance. For Festivals, the chances are, according to Minister of health Heike Werner (Left) is rather poor – even if, more recently, in principle, possible to apply for exemptions.

Far less critical than in other countries Ramelows is the way of the Opposition in Thuringia seen. The CDU criticised the new basic regulation as being too bureaucratic and criticizes certain rules for the catering and hospitality industry. With the lifting of contact restrictions you agree, of course. “Given the permanently low numbers of cases, we hold that the termination of the contact restrictions in Thuringia, right,” said the parliamentary Secretary of the CDU faction, Andreas Bühl.