a constant In nearly a year of work have produced 70 experts 61 concrete actions to prevent sexual abuse of children and young people in the diocese of Limburg in the future. The 420-page summary of the project “Affected, to hear, to prevent abuse” was presented on Saturday in the St. Paul’s Church to the Client, the Limburg Bishop Georg Bätzing and the President of the Limburg diocesan Assembly, Ingeborg Schillai,.

Tobias Rösmann

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Bätzing promised: “We will implement the measures.” Not exactly, according to the experts suggestion, but always according to the spirit, Intention and direction. “We are Concerned guilty.”

Because Bätzing since March is also the Chairman of the German bishops ‘ conference, is considered to be dealing with such a critical study as important for the other 26 German dioceses. Schillai said: “the results of The study have been clamoring for it, that we proceed at last to be effective against sexual abuse in the Church and against its cover-up.”

An “incredibly large amount of misery and suffering”

the measures, which have been developed by scientists, Church representatives and Concerned, a Reform of the priestly formation, a double-top in the Church leadership from a priest and a full-time basis in the diocese of employees theologian, differently structured decision-making bodies, a professional records management, intensive prevention, communication, focusing on the stakeholders and their perspective in the focus takes, as well as an effective disciplinary rules for clerics. The individual points were developed in nine projects. The Limburg project deepens the findings of the MHG study on abuse in the Catholic Church from the autumn of 2018. Other dioceses have started with a more extensive workup.

The many people Affected by the desired public naming of the perpetrators and Vertuscher could not “give legal reasons,” said Joseph Bill, formerly presiding judge at the higher regional court of Frankfurt. Its part of the project group concerned with the education of 46 recorded cases of abuse. The real name of the cleric might be called, therefore, only the clients of the project.