Mister Corona, Daniel Koch (65), rules of the sermon for months, the same Prevention: wash hands, keep distance, wear a mask. Most recently, he made on Friday in a Video on Instagram attention to the importance of these rules continue to be complied with. Completely always, the freshly retired BAG-man, not adhering to their own instructions. Images from a visit to a retirement home in Brig, VS this week, show the 65-Year-old surrounded by the workforce. Distance, no one stops. And also masks are missing.

A reader reporter is appalled: “The photos provoke all those who have contributed for months on a daily basis for the protection of vulnerable persons in the health institutions.” And further: “An insult to all caring people.”

Daniel Koch explained to on the phone: “I have visited this week, a 99-year-old Known in the old people’s home English greeting, and since these pictures with the workforce emerged.” You have removed for the photos, the masks, only for a few seconds. “If something is not, then I don’t know,” says cook. Such images run the own code of rules, the 65-Year-olds. But: “I didn’t do it Yes, found the photos on the net.”

mask for only a few seconds

the home’s Director, Daniel Kalbermatten filed has the visit of a chef in a positive way and stresses the fact that they’ve dropped the masks are really only for a few seconds. “For all the employees of the visiting chef was very strict months, a ray of light, all very happy.”

The photos were spontaneously created, and more and more home workers had come to. “The first images we have made, even with a mask, but as just nothing,” says Kalbermatten. And: “cook thanked the staff for the work during the Corona-crisis. The us means a lot.”

In retrospect, maybe it would have been smarter to load these images with a mask on the Facebook page of the home, to the head. “But I’m just not a Social Media expert.” (sac)