The first edition of the “Front Populaire” to appear in the coming days – in the Lockdown of the philosopher Michel Onfray has founded a magazine. The Homepage, a “Parliament of ideas”, already works. As Jean-Paul Sartre’s “Les Temps modernes” to the “people’s front” to the int: Onfray wants to unite the left and right sovereignists. And it sounds so: “The Frexit we’re not afraid of (. . .) The Corona-crisis is the end of the Maastricht heads of state.“ For the French debacle responsible. To ensure that there were no masks and too little medication.

Jürg Altwegg

Freelance writer in the arts section.

F. A. Z.

Maastricht, analyses the author, besiegele the end of the French Nation, because France had submitted to Brussels. The gap between the people and the Elite go back to the vote on a European Constitution fifteen years ago, the French said no to Europe-policy, nothing has changed.

Agree with the sovereignty, are most in the rejection of the liberalism that seemed to get after the decline of communism and Gaullism is a historic opportunity. This development is linked to the anti-totalitarian critique of Ideology and dealing with the past. The separatists clung to their image of Germany, are in favour of protectionism and a strong state to steer the economy. The Corona debacle, they argue, you are right. Are United in the commitment to the secular and indivisible Republic, whose “restoration” is set to Onfrays program.

the fight against the “tyrannical minority”

This is a Declaration of war on the “tyrannical minority” and a commitment to the Nation. “Le Monde” called the philosopher, a “Guru of the right-wing extremists”, and his project of an “Alliance of Red and Brown” – the incorrigible extremists, the critique and reappraisal of French fascism denied the anti-totalitarian Ideology. Onfray replied with the note on the Vichy past of the “Monde,”founder Hubert Beuve-Méry and the anthemic article on Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge.

The left-libertarian Michel Onfray must not have to face Maoist past. He castigates the permanent insult to the populists as the “brown plague” and sets out that the anti fizzles totalitarian dynamics. However, the Lack of any fear of contact with the right-wing extremists and his hatred for Macron, he is presenting as a “rubber doll of the capital”, irritate.

Marine Le Pen, Alain de Benoist, the theorists of the New Right, with a passion for his people’s front of the populists. Radical left-wing authors will write for the magazine. As the figurehead Onfray presents the virologist Didier Raoult in Marseille, football fans, taxi drivers and employees of the garbage collection as a new folk hero to celebrate. Raoult is the Star of the French populism. The dispute to the propagated chloroquine was led by both sides as a war of religion. His opposition to Paris, is compared with the de Gaulle against Pétain. Like Onfray he worshiped Nietzsche. Céline, he holds, in spite of its anti-Semitism for the greatest of Poets. Raoults wife and children are Jews. After the attacks on “Charlie Hebdo” he was one of the few, the indignant on the Hide of the attack on the Jewish supermarket.