What is the new Sony LF-1, is actually at first glance, clearly. The compact camera is designed to video movies. With all the important Features you need for high-quality recordings, especially if you want to film yourself.

a Vlog about it on Youtube’s popular Format to tell his stories from everyday life from their own perspective is called. But also for websites, Blogs, or only for the own Social Media channels produce today, even the normal users of amazing professional moving images. About Hobbies, sports, Fitness, or just for the Fun of it.

However, the ZV-1 addresses of such Amateurs – or is it rather to professionals who need a portable second camera? This is also in accordance with the detailed VIEWS of the Test very clear.

The price indicates that the times more on the professional sector. Because the starting of June is ZV-1 will cost at least 880 francs. The right Grip is 220 francs, also not cheap. Also, the complicated menu with the an incredible number of Video and photo features indicates that the more experienced users. As a beginner, you lose quickly the Overview.

After all, Sony has installed some of the Software gimmicks that are aimed at Amateurs. So that you can get started pretty quickly with the first Videos. And: Even without a lot of experience shots look better and more professional than with the best Smartphone cameras succeed.

This is because of the technology behind it. Sony has installed in the ZV-1 the same 1-inch Sensor as in the much-praised RX100 VII, which costs a minimum of 1000 Swiss francs. The RX series from Sony is also professionals popular, the want to do with a compact camera photos to DSLR-quality.

lightweight with a rotatable Screen and Mic input

With less than 300 grams, the PT-1 is a light-weight and most of the components shared with the RX-series: technically, often a Mix of RX 100 V and RX-100 VII. The lens is equivalent to 24 to 70 mm, the fast autofocus can be controlled to 315 points, at the same time.

The main Features are that you can fold out the 3-inch screen to the side and rotate. So perfect in the picture, when filming yourself. Clever also that the folding of the screen is blocked on the side by nothing. Neither connections, nor by means of accessories.

it is Important for the filmmaker, the microphone input, the special shutter release for Videos and the flash Shoe is an accessory must be plugged. In the case of Sony microphones around the go, thanks to a direct contact, even without an additional cable.

as far as Sony has fulfilled all of the Video duties loose. And the Japanese even offer a Bonus: on the one Hand, the microphone level is permanently in the Screen display, on the other hand, one sees thanks to a strong red light on the front also in the sun, whether the camera is recording really. Nothing is more annoying than when you mean that you pressed Record and then nothing is still on the memory card.

Sony messed up the best touch in the Details

In-depth real-life test, the weaknesses are showing, but then, some are even annoying. Professionals about are going to be disappointed, you can easily get in 4K, but only up to 30 frames per second. For the on Youtube as the popular slow-motion replays and a little more leeway when post-processing the is to little.

beginners will take care of the less. However, the young Generation will wonder whether the antiquated menu and the Screens. The screen is also only a half of the touch screen. Although you can focus with a tap of the finger on something, all of the menus but only with the buttons to operate. Not even the giant Play icon when playing Videos is a real Touch-Button.

That there is no headphone output is integrated to control the sound, in a compact Videocam bearable. Not that Sony sets in this price class on the outdated Micro-USB port. You need not only to transfer data, but also to charge the battery. Because a separate charger for the battery is not included.

In the Test we had about 40 minutes of movies. The sounds in the first Moment after a lot of, but who produced a few minutes of Video, is very fast and the battery in a Shooting empty. A second battery for 55 francs, it is recommended, therefore, safe.

the Best reason for the Sony LF-1 image quality

A last point of criticism: The 220 francs expensive bracket is unfortunately in part, a bad design. While it is convenient that you can start directly on the Grip of the shooting and other functions to operate. The Stick can also be used easily in a small Tripod, turn, of the angles with a push of a button. The screw-on bracket, also the memory cards and battery-blocking specialist, is almost beside the point.

But Just for Video Blogs is not fit to mount. If you want to shoot yourself, you have to stretch anyway, the Hand far to the front. Because with a maximum of 24 mm it has a really wide wide-angle lens available. This is good in the picture, is the need for some distance. The Stick would have to be twice as long, so he can be useful and convenient to be used.

but There’s a very good reason, the ZV-1 watch still more closely. Because the video quality is excellent. You could also make very good photos, who wants to but the primary, which is operated with a RX-100 better.

The video quality is excellent. On changing the Lighting or unfavorable conditions, the compact camera fits extremely well. Also, the focus reacts quickly and reliably. This is for the fast films are very important – and also beginners don’t have to do much to keep except for the motifs in the image.

beginners will also have Fun at the special Vlog-modes: So you can make the Background out of focus, which works very well. Or of the products-presentation-mode, reacts quickly to it, if you think something is in the camera.

The Sony LF-1 has two target groups. Video-beginners who are ready to invest a lot of money, and a very good picture quality, and then gradually into the depths of the menus to venture to receive. And then professionals who need a lightweight, small and portable second camera, which provides a good quality and the folding screen, and microphone port.

Convincing the Videos, you can do so quite easily. Well, Sony has developed more consistently in the direction of the video shooting and all the aspects carefully thought through.