The “control win,” not least on immigration – that was one of the slogans, which the British left in 2016, the majority for Brexit vote. On Wednesday, the British government introduced its new migration law. It will soon be submitted to Parliament and enter into force as soon as at 31. December, the “transition phase” in the EU expires and the UK have achieved the “full independence”, as it is called in the government.

Jochen Buchsteiner

Political correspondent in London.

F. A. Z. Twitter

changes especially for EU citizens from 1. January 2021 shall be treated in the same way as immigrants from other regions of the world. For those EU citizens who are already in the UK, change little. More than 3.2 of the estimated 3.6 million EU citizens in the Kingdom have already applied the “settled status” (or the precursor); the authorisation for unlimited stay ensures that you are right. EU citizens who want to move to the end of the year to the Kingdom, will soon have to meet a set of criteria. You may stay under the template of the passport of six months in the Kingdom, but not without permission to work.

An annual income of at least 30,800 respectively Euro

According to the plans, the interior Minister, Priti Patel explained on Wednesday in a series of Interviews, be awarded a visa in the future, according to a points system. The aim is to encourage people with the “right talent” to immigration and to reduce the dependence on “cheap labour” from the EU. With the new regulation, stated in the draft law, should election promises be redeemed, “to reduce the total migration”. As a rule of thumb, the level of qualification, the following applies: the lower The number, the harder the access to the labour market. As a skilled (“skilled”) shall apply to immigrants with a higher education qualification.