stains on the Sweater, ungekämmte hair. There is evidence that suggest that mom or dad has made the children ready for school. The title of the perfect father, it’s not enough this year, but at least I am emotionally full with the thing. A real mother hen. And exemplary proponent of state-of-the equal distribution of childcare between fathers and mothers. The reality in the year 2020 is, of course, still a other. In three-quarters of the families, for example, it is always mommy who has to stay home when the Little ones are sick.

But the new fathers are becoming more and more. And I have a suggestion for a mascot. It lives in the forests of Northern Australia and Papua new Guinea. And it combines in an impressive way testosterone pregnant Toughheit and self-sacrificing Care.

Aggressive, good in the Chicks

The Helmkasuar you do not need to come crooked: The flightless bird is the third largest bird in the world, up to 1.70 meters tall and up to 70 pounds. With his archaic helmet from corneal tissue, his scary look and, above all, his middle claw, which is up to twelve inches long, he leaves an impression. It is also referred to as “the most dangerous bird in the world”. And recently, the short column, the newspaper reported “cassowary: giant bird kills farmers.” Aggressive but he will in the first place, if he is cornered, or his chick is in danger imagines.

He incubates the eggs

Hard shell, soft core: The Kasuarmännchen it is, in fact, a very loving, dedicated father. The species are not clichés cared for centuries to the role. The female is interested in Sex. After the honeymoon she puts literally your lover, some eggs, and let him sit word: It is the male that incubates the large eggs. After about 50 days the young hatch and will follow the single father for nine months while he takes care of heart-warming to the Little ones, before they open into the wide world (which is because of habitat loss, unfortunately, getting smaller and smaller).

I wish all the fathers who take their Job kasuarmässig seriously, a good father’s day.

Simon Jäggi (40) is a boy singer of the rock band the sorrow, works at the natural history Museum of Bern and keeps chickens. He writes every second Friday of the VIEWS.