a jubilierten: you have more time, more freedom, more self determination. Families have complained, however, home-working and child care were not to be reconciled. No matter what perspective you take – the challenges in the home office are manifold.

in the end, it may speak of a successful Experiment. After the initial Stumble of companies and employees found to a virtual collaboration that would not have been prior to the crisis is conceivable.

The pandemic has accelerated the Trend towards flexible forms of work. The doing of Switzerland, where some of the company’s presence time weights are still higher than productivity.

However, the downsides were obvious. Not a few businesses were in digital management issues overwhelmed. Including the communication suffered. On the employee side, the self-discipline and efficient work planning left something to be desired. Including the Motivation suffered. In addition, the digitization for some enterprises is still a foreign word.

Also the question of who assumes the costs for the infrastructure in the local office, everything else as.

What can we learn from this? The new long-distance relationship needs a clear set of rules. Are required all the company.

you must create the same conditions for their employees – both at home and in the office. Because without adequate infrastructure, without a good digital leadership, the home office terrific will fail.