The Comedy artist Sarah Cooper has since the Corona-pandemic huge success with video clips, in which you moved, to the voice of the American President’s lips. These Clips include the most hilarious of what is currently found on the Internet: they are enlightening, and silly at the same time. Cooper’s style is called the Hollywood Star Ben Stiller recently “understated perfection”, and that’s exactly it. The 43-year-old New Yorker (she was born in Jamaica) produced your Clips with a simple means of home. The Trick is to do the right neckline, the Right to, and no more.

Tobias Rüther

editor in the Feuilleton section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung in Berlin.

F. A. Z. Twitter

And that is, to Look to the words of Trumps from the Off:. The eyes, wide, narrow. The hands on the face, put, head, and torso weigh-in. And simultaneously the lips move. To reveal the Gestures of a chef, which gives Power to his words by the float, and thus also herself. Cooper rips, in turn, this poses in itself and makes it so Trumps pre-potency visible. You actually thought you would have him look long by.

“I am totally different than he does,” Cooper has told recently, Ellen deGeneres had invited them excited in their talk show, “I’m a black woman, an immigrant – I would never let the stuff go by, he gets away with it.” So, Cooper catches him with the age-old medium of Imitation, but on the latest digital humor technology.

last year, Cooper had let her nephew show how Tiktok works. Now Cooper, using the synchronization function of that App, which is otherwise mainly used by Kids from all over the world for dance videos in order to give the Statements of the President of your face: to call Trump, the winds, his favorite Bible passage. Trump, who declared that America, as many Corona-reported cases, because so much is tested, less testing would mean less cases. Trump, who brags that he was this Morning tested positive, so is negative, i.e. positive in the sense of negative.