My Ex (49) has been separated twelve years ago by me, because he had another. This new relationship didn’t stick, but we came together anyway. Since then we have still a lot of contact. He wants a friendship with me, I would like to, however, is still a real relationship and I want to fight him. I don’t make it easy, get away from him. It may be that he is afraid? But from what? Françoise

dear Françoise

For you, it is clear that you want a love relationship with this man. Your feelings are clear and your Vision of a common future is clear. Accordingly, it is to be human, that you don’t spekulierst about the reasons why your Ex sees the whole thing so.

The Option that this man has just fear of a new togetherness has something romantic and comforting. She allows that he wants to take you basically still and that it would be easy to crack a last resistance – and you’d be a real Couple. An uncomfortable question, however, is why you can’t at least the Option to allow this man wants to, plain and simple. Point.

You can watch endlessly about it not breaking, why this man wants to, and whether the situation will ever change. Or you can come back to Now and you what is. Namely, that you have a lot to spend time with someone, you Partner will love to see not reciprocated these feelings.

If you can, what it is, and if you’re happy and present, then all of the questions are unnecessary, basically, to embrace the future. If the current Situation feels like but on closer inspection, only as a way station, then you should get this feeling make, instead of coaxing hopeful beautiful.

the advice

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