He had died surprisingly quickly, it is said in the Letter. Until a few weeks ago, he had perceived his role as a national councillor and as President of the financial Commission in the Home Office with joy.

The FDP responded in a communication deeply affected about the death of Vitali. “The shock sits deep. I will remember Albert as a very sociable and competent people in memory”, the FDP-President Petra Gössi (44) cited in a communication from the Friday evening.

Vitali was a Trustee and in 2011, the national Council elected. In the fall of 2019, he began his third term in office. From 1995 to 2011, Vitali was a member of the Lucerne cantonal Parliament, in which he also for many years his group’s Board of Directors. From 1982 to 2001, he was a social head of Oberkirch.

after a Abgewählter?

Jacqueline Theiler, President of the FDP in Luzern, was at the request of the news Agency Keystone SDA “deeply saddened” by the demise of the national Council. Vitali got politicised with heart’s blood and had been for the party with his experience an important figure.

The successor is the FDP Luzern yet. On the first spare space Peter Schilliger (61), has been voted out of office in the autumn of from the national. The liberals in Lucerne had lost at the last elections to the national Council one of its two seats.