“hands up, give me the money! This is a Robbery!“ If before the Masked man came into a Bank branch, the Situation is usually unique and precarious. The staff knew immediately what to do: trigger the silent panic Alarm, keep calm, wait and see. The Corona pandemic is also changing this area of life fundamentally. Masks have become in many money houses are now mandatory – and so unusual, this may just be there. A patchwork quilt consists of.

Kerstin Papon

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

In some States it is advised now mandatory or at least strongly, to wear a mask in banks, it is the private Bank Association. To Bavaria, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia have included. In Baden-Württemberg the obligation applies only if there is a sale like in a post office and find, in other States, banks would not be mentioned explicitly. Only in lower Saxony, a covering of the mouth and nose is not mandatory. Details can be found on the Internet at www.bankenverband.de.

By law

But when Entering a credit institution might feel the Wearing a mask for some yet unfamiliar as the new everyday anyway, and a touch of forbidden and even Criminal to bring. A goddamn mask ban as demonstrations and public meetings, there were banks never. And yet, it was a customers to hide in the branches of banks and savings banks face.

The institutes have banned the Wearing of masks or motorcycle helmets in the rule by law, with the exception of religiously motivated face veils, says the Postbank. The spread of Covid-curb 19 and to ensure the safety of customers and employees, would have to Bank customers now carry, but in most of the provinces during their stay in the branches of a mouth-nose cover, and keep at least two meters of distance between other, says Claus Wolf from the Postbank. Infection protection have the highest priority.

Sometimes, the masks need to be aired but. For certain banking transactions such as opening an account would have to find the money the house the identity of the customer, without a doubt, says Wolf: “Our employees ask the customers, the Mouth guard on the switch off briefly, so that you can match the face with the photo in the identity card.” Both were separated by Plexiglas panels. In addition, the minimum distance to the next customer should be adhered to. In the self-service area of the mouth is wear protection on the other hand permanently, says Wolf. When you withdraw money at the ATM, for example, the customer is out of the way with the input of his personal identification number (Pin) and not by face recognition. Who should wear because of a disease, such as Asthma, no respiratory protection mask, must submit a medical certificate.

Bank robber with Corona-mask

And how it looks in practice? In a large branch of the Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt, notices about the mask duty and General protection measures at the front door to be found. “Important Information: the obligation to wear a mouth and nose protection applies. Please have understanding that we can engage so protected.“ But, like all men, everywhere, do not take seriously these kinds of regulations, and the dangers of Coronavirus.

Of the three, this Saturday morning at the same time in the self-service area are people wearing a mask from Entering the Bank. A customer comes in and goes back later consistently without any protection. The third in the League puts on the mask, after all, then, as he waits at the ATM on the issue of the Notes.