SP-health Minister Alain Berset (48) is in the Bundesrat, the big winner of the Corona-crisis. The Comrades were beginning to Worry that he would say to art openings as social reforms in care delivery during the pandemic to peak. Its Federal Council colleagues read to him almost every wish of the lips.

The big exception: his Kita-million Berset on delivery in the Federal Council by surprise. Be part of the interior Department in a Fire drill had a template, and the cantons gathered. The documents show that VIEW based on the freedom of information act.

Corona brings kindergartens in trouble

The beginning of the story picks up in the middle of March: The Federal Council shall order the Lockdown. School closures are included. What relates to children’s nurseries and day-care centres, the cantons have a free Hand. The result is a patchwork: Some cantons hold open the day-care centres. Caring for others only the children of certain professional groups, such as the health personnel. Some close the nurseries entirely. What remains are uncovered costs, because many parents want to pay for the lack of care of contributions. This brings some of the daycare centers in trouble, it threatens.

to prevent Berset. He reacts quickly. Be the Federal social insurance office (BSV) is within a few days an emergency Ordinance. Is planned to be a compensation for the family childcare. 27. March social Director’s conference (SODK) a first draft sent to you. The aim is to prevent “the institutions of the family-additional childcare due to the crisis for financial reasons, need to close”.

285 million from the Federal government

the BSV expects, with the support of funds of close to 570 million francs for six months. The Confederation and the cantons shall share these costs equally – so it’s about 285 million by the Federal government.

in Addition, the BSV to decide between “system-relevant” and “other” institutions. As a system relevant to those day care centers that receive emergency care upright apply. This should get your failures up to 100 percent covered. The other, however, only up to 80 percent. In addition, there are only private institutions Federal money.

The SODK-General Secretariat has just over the weekend, time for a reply. Together with the secretaries-General of education as well as Director of Economics conference on may 30. March the answer: “The regulation is necessary and urgent.” The distinction between non – and system-relevant institutions to refrain but it was too difficult. The Half-and-Half-the-cost distribution they could not agree without the consultation of the cantons, for regulatory reasons. “The loss of revenue was a result of the requirements of the Federal government, therefore, the assumption of costs by the Federal government is necessary.”

A phone call to St. Gallen

The BSV takes the criticism to heart. In a short Mail to the Department of transfers, it is shown open, to abandon the distinction and to compensate anywhere up to 100 percent.

concerned about The criticism of the cost distribution, however. “The Federal government may not take without the consent of the cantons, we are not able to in the Federal Council”, is it in the Mail. The proposal: The interior Department should call the former SODK-President Martin Klöti (66, SG), “to make him understand how Serious this is”. By the way, the BSV corrected the estimated cost to a total of 400 million down – it had forgotten the relief through short-time work compensation at the day-care centres to be included.

financial management cross –

the Same day, around noon, the Federal Chancellery, the Federal office of justice and the Federal Finance administration will be asked for an opinion – just under four hours, you have time for feedback. On a wider departmental consultation will be waived “from time”. The first two Federal agencies have no fundamental objections to it.

The financial management is affiliated to the Department of SVP Federal councillor Ueli Maurer (69) that is, however. Mason heard from the beginning to the Brakings in the Bundesrat. The presses now.

The financial management makes it clear that “we reject the new financial aid in General”. The childcare is the responsibility of the cantons and municipalities. A Federal solution is therefore “neither appropriate nor efficient”. The proposal is too bureaucratic and complex. Their conclusion was that The centers could apply for short-time work and emergency loans. At least the Federal government should limit the Ordinance to only three to four months.

Only 98,5 million

Bersets people hold on to the daycare assistance, but actually the adjustments. The support duration is limited to three months. Only 98,5 Federal are scheduled to million.

1. April is also the green light of SODK-President Klöti. He has recognized the seriousness of the situation. In consultation with the EDK-President Silvia Steiner (62, ZH), and VDK-President Christoph Brutschin (62, BS) he says that he is “under the circumstances, with the half of the cost of divider between the Confederation and the cantons agree”.

Maurer brakes Berset

With the backing of the cantons Berset is at the 3. April confident of victory in the Federal Council session. The media communication is already at the ready. “Coronavirus: The Federal Council, the family support supplementary child care,” the title.

However, the SP-magistrate stumbles upon Maurer’s resistance. The Finance Minister defended doggedly, the Federal Treasury and draws the SVP-FDP majority on his side. Berset must explain the decision the same day to the Federal Council’s press conference – his sour face speaks volumes.

Parliament speaks 65 million

However, the anger and the pressure on politicians is huge. The Parliament intervenes and speaks, finally, 65 Federal million for the daycare support. After all. So Berset finally, but not quite as losers from the field.

But the damage is done: Many cantons have acted on their own, and their own instructions, which must now be reconciled with the Federal government. The day-to-clutter continues.

Cantonal Kita-clutter

65 million Swiss francs has spoken in the Parliament for the daycare support. Twice as much should be the contribution of the cantons. In order to be compensated for during three months in full to the fancy of the parents contributions. Paid parental contributions, although the nursery was closed, you get your money back. The looks of the new Federal Council Ordinance.

However, only private institutions have the right to Federal funds, including from the public sector subsidized facilities. Of the cantons and the municipalities self-operated day-care centres receive a cent.

Cantonal jumble

This caused particularly in the Romandie for Trouble. Federal councillor Alain Berset (48) had to take the column, therefore in the question hour of the national Council. It is a matter of emergency aid for private institutions, their existence is under threat. “If the Federal government would also assume the deficits in public facilities, he would have to bear additional costs in the amount of around 20 million Swiss francs, for which he had no loans.” In principle, public authorities should bear the damages yourself.

Kita-Chaos goes even further elsewhere: After the initial Nyet of the Federal Council, the cantons jumped part of the day-care centres to help with their own conditions and deadlines. The result is a patchwork, a cantonal confusion. The greater the bureaucracy, the offset has already been made is now. The Federal government wants to prevent an “Overcompensation” of the day-care centres, such as Berset said. Ruedi Studer