Rodrik has published more than 20 books. A stir he caused in the first place with his 2011 published book “The globalization paradox. Democracy and the future of the world economy”. The development claimed to be an economist, globalisation and the world economy stuck in a Trilemma: Unlimited free trade, democracy and the nation-state are not compatible. On one of these three things you have to do without, is his Thesis.

Rodrik, who is of Sephardic descent, and next to the Turkish and a US passport has complained of a “Hyper-globalisation”, which have done more harm than good, because there is just too many losers. To a solution of the Trilemma, he argues for a restriction on the freedom of world trade and supports to maintain democracy and national self-determination.

In a first reaction to the news from Spain, said Rodrik, the award was “a great and unexpected honor”: “My great hope is that some of the ideas that led to the award, to contribute to a reconstruction of the world economy that we need after the pandemic, so much.”

The Princess of Asturias award is regarded as the “Spanish Nobel prize”. It is named after the Spanish successor to the throne, is awarded annually in eight divisions, each with prize money of 50’000 Euro. Each winner also receives a sculpture by Joan MirĂ³. The awards are presented at the end of October of king Felipe VI, in Oviedo.