in early June estimated the organization Pro Velo, the number of cyclists on Switzerland’s roads will triple in comparison to the time before the outbreak of the pandemic tripled has. “At the beginning, many have taken the bike out of the basement to get fresh air. Now, after the normality is slowly returning, we are seeing a strong demand in the shops for bikes and accessories,” says Zoé Dardel, Secretary of Pro Velo Lausanne,.

“We get extremely a lot of bikes to Repair. The demand has increased by 50 percent,” confirmed Rémi Trémel, managing Director of the Veloladens “La Pédale” in Lausanne. He has found that many people have decided to work by Bicycle pedals to go public transport to and out of the way.

Several Western Swiss cities and cantons took the time to create more cycle lanes, so that not too many people take the car. In Geneva, the suffers from chronically congested roads, introduced the plans recently, to polemics. The resistance comes particularly from the SVP, which provides for the free choice of means of transport and the rights of motorists threatened.

In the Canton of Vaud, there are hardly any criticism. Here are to be created during the summer temporarily, over 100 kilometers of bike strip.

The city of Freiburg has set up for cyclists on the Boulevard Pérolles a temporary track. In the city of Lausanne as much as you normally have been created in the last few weeks, 4.5 km bike strip in a year. A further three kilometres will be added this summer.

in Parallel, the city of Lausanne extended the zones in which the speed of motorised transport on 20 or 30 km/h is limited. Thus, the movement should be easier to walk or cycle.

“The measures are provisional, but they give the opportunity to try things out and not do the you is, in normal times,” says Zoé Dardel, and adds: “It is to be hoped that all of this will be permanent, but this also depends on the accompanying measures. The cyclists feel in traffic is not always safe.”