Volkswagen revised after the scandal as racially perceived promotional video of its internal processes and wants to raise the awareness of the employees. Right boss, Hiltrud Werner said Thursday in a conference call with journalists that the investigation by internal audit had shown that a racist Motive in the creation of the advertising film would have played no role. Lack of awareness and shortcomings in the processes, however, would have meant that the Clip could be released. Personnel consequences would VW only if intentionally and knowingly it was against the rules of conduct breached.

“in the name of the Board, I would like to ask for an apology, that we have been hurt by a lack of intercultural sensitivity people,“ said Werner. “Here was a breach of values for which Volkswagen stands for.” As a consequence, Volkswagen wants to establish, among other things, an independent “ethics Board” of professionals to the advertising messages on sensitive topics by lights.

the Video had been advised on Tuesday of the Board of Directors. Because of the turmoil of group chief Herbert Diess to the beginning of the week, VW had moved the Information to the Public.

As a nod to the European colonial history

In the Clip, a man with darker skin color in front of a Golf, as he is shoved by an oversized Hand unceremoniously through the area. The Hand pocket him, finally, into a building, above the entrance to the lettering Petit Colon“ (small settlers) is. This had been understood as an allusion to the European colonial history.

The ad provoked sharp criticism in the media and attracted international headlines. VW saw with racism allegations face. The diesel scandal has already tarnished Reputation was damaged by this more. VW apologized.

The advertising film also provided in the VW workforce for restlessness. Works Council chief, Bernd Osterloh, said he was ashamed of the Instagram Spot. “The Clip is disgusting and nothing can excuse it,” he wrote on Linkedin. The confidence of the people in the VW-works related to this Video, as you accuse the Management last week, a “Marketing and communication disaster”. The criticism had led to This had to in front of the Supervisory Board to justify.

On Monday, he had to give up the leadership of the main VW brand to Ralf Brandstätter, had had a business days. This remains the boss of the group and is intended to guide the brand group, the volume of brands VW, Skoda and Seat are summarized. On Linkedin, he promised, in the future more strongly with the works Council, to vote, to Fears in the workforce to reduce.