If the packages are only delivered with the tram and then with the load of driving wheels is reduced, the carbon dioxide emissions, according to a study, more than half in comparison to the conventional delivery of motor vehicles. The variant with the Trams have proved in a pilot test in Frankfurt, as “surprisingly economical”, write the authors of the these days published scientific study. The delivery by tram, the cost of the courier service an average of 1.93 euros per package, the supply of a van from the Depot up to the front door of 1.65 Euro. Thereby, the external costs of pollution and congestion because of too many small not be attributed to the Transporter on the streets once, says Kai-Oliver shock, a Professor in the research laboratory for urban transport (Research Lab for Urban Transport) at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.

Ralf Euler

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung, responsible for the Rhine-Main-part of the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z.

The CO2 emissions have been reduced by the use of a tram in the Test, 57 percent, said the study. “If 89 trips would be moved per day on the Rail, you could save 199,78 tons of CO2 per year, equivalent to the emissions of 77 cars with an Annual mileage of 13,500 kilometres,” added shock. The Team of the research laboratory analyzed during the four-day trial in April last year, the extent to which the tram could help with parcel delivery in the city centre of Frankfurt. Partners in the project, the public transport company Frankfurt (VGF) and the courier-Express-parcel service Hermes goods.

In many locations, suitable

In the pilot Hermes supplied vans to the Tram from a warehouse in Griesheim with Electric and used for boxes, which were suitable for two cargo bike models. Was loaded on the tram in the FGC operating yard Gutleut. From there, special trips went during the low traffic times to tram turning loop at the fair, where, again, the boxes couriers with electric cargo bikes with the packages, takeovers and zustellten to the recipients.

The Test have shown that the Frankfurt tram network was suitable for the handling of goods at many locations, so the conclusion of the researchers. The important thing is that the passenger operations would not be disrupted by the packet transport. Therefore, lines and stops were particularly low stroke density in question. In the pilot test had been carried in the logistics-Tram no people, because it was not allowed. In addition, the train took trips outside of the peak hours, to facilitate the Threading in the normal operation. Project leader shock is, however, convinced that the package of transport would work as well in practice.

“The Corona-crisis-heats the package boom again”

The Association pro-Rail Alliance is due to reduced pollutant emissions, at least for the Frankfurt-tested approach. “The Corona-crisis-heats the package boom in Germany again,” – said in a statement to the Frankfurt study. The policy should promote the environment – and people-friendly Transport by tram and bike, to relieve the inner cities and protect the climate. The Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) had recently brought the possibility to the game, for the Transport of packages and metro use.

Before a package is transport by tram in a large scale possible, were still to be clarified some legal issues, says the study. Currently, it is legally not possible to transport people and goods to move together in a train. In addition, should be regulated, who-like to any time for damage and whether it was in the case of a goods tram to a private or a public project. Not least of all Parking areas for load wheels, as well as for the interim storage of the transport would have to boxes with the packages found, and all processes are seamlessly integrated in the roadmap.