this week on Twitter, the Tweet of a student, in which the psychological burden of the digital semester was highlighted and provoked many reactions. From student circles, it was said: Finally, someone who pronounce it. Teachers offered their help. You have pointed out in the platform discussion that you have put in this Semester and 300 files in your E-Learning folder. Where did they all come from?

Uwe Ebbinghaus

editor in the features section.

F. A. Z.

Dustin Meschenmoser: At our University, there is the program of Stud.IP. The lecturers have uploaded all sorts of files, scripts, Assignments, solution sheets, mostly, they were pdf files. When I created a folder-structure, has communicated to me the Windows that are 288 files in it. Some files information the high school administration included, and some are maybe even twice.

What have you thought, as you were this first of all, unstructured crowd?

This was not a good feeling. I felt completely overwhelmed.

How many files they got in an average, non-digital Semester?

The can I say. Normally, we hardly get the digital files that we receive the documents in the classroom. You must say this: We have not had the opportunity to interact with our instructors via a Video-conference system in contact, the communication delivery via E-Mail.

This is unusual. Why was this so?

This is a good question, I don’t know it. It was at the beginning of the trimester – I am studying in a dual degree program General administration (Public Administration) in trimesters, a few problems in communication. I am just in the testing trimester, and at the beginning of the Corona pandemic, it was said, first of all, the oral examinations should be in written exams converted. You are then taken back to distance. The tests were only moved once, then moved forward – it was all a little messy.

study “General administration” what have you done with the many files?

I gives an Overview of all the modules and dates, and an Excel table is created. The Problem was that in some subjects, the files were complete, in others only gradually uploaded. Therefore, I checked every day, if my files are still up to date. Once a folder has been deleted and in another Version uploaded.

How they met the crowd of almost 300 files, have you read them all?

I’ve created a solid Plan in which I defined per day with certain goals. I then summarized each of the modules, the main points written to me donkey bridges built. Three days before the trials, I have learned everything by heart.