Maybe you should have been on this evening, but “The wind” gone with the wind see. While this tearjerker has to do with pieces of our social conditions, as little as an Alien movie from Ridley Scott with astronomy. But it is amusing, such as the heart-breaker Clark Gable pulls the bitch Vivian Leigh the Shorter. To make it more fun than with Sigourney Weaver in the anthropological primal fear of the Stranger goings-on.

In the current discursive busy the United States, a streaming provider, has banished the southern epic, and not Alien, in the in-house gift closet. He did not want to set a sign against racism, because of this eighty-year-old movie represents amazingly, the world of today. In the case of a competing company, there was then an increased demand for this three-hour Opus. Here, the critical response to a Film as a discursive and political Pose: The past should appear to be so expelled, as it is practiced by an exorcist the devil. In reality, the company wants to operate simple Marketing.

Media meat grinders

we did not see “gone with The wind”, but “Corona-easy-to-sense – less is more Trouble rules?” The Bonn virologist Hendrik Streeck, however, made an interesting remark about the state of the political culture to testify at us. You no longer trust yourself “in these emotional debates, even to give his recommendation.” Of course he had an opinion on it, it went to the Opening of the schools, and the infectivity of children. Streeck came, according to the current state of knowledge and to be involved due to the experience in other European States of the evaluation, children may be less to the spread of the Virus than adults. The decision about school openings, but in the policy, Streeck. This sentence spoke volumes, because it is a nonentity is no longer should trust a scientist to articulate his findings. The pandemic combat was with us in the past few months, in the ideological trench warfare that had raged before. In mid-March, there was still a broad social consensus to accept the temporary restriction of social life.

the Latest from Easter that changed with the curious result that the left-liberal demanded suddenly, the far-reaching suspension of the rights of freedom, while the otherwise rather on a strong state-setting rights, this is even more vigorously claimed. With epidemiological reasons, this had to do with most of the protagonists of this debate nothing: Hardly anyone of them had heard in February once some of the “Spanish flu”. Virologists, such as Streeck caught in this ideological war, which has been in the media the meat of the social network of wolves his stage.