Nearly 20 sport associations are calling on the city of Frankfurt, to open up school sports halls as quickly as possible for you. In a letter to mayor Peter Feldmann (SPD) and sports Department head Markus Frank (CDU) says that the normal operation of the school have priority. But since then, the state government on the 7.May also leisure sport with Hygiene – and-distance rules have allowed, were also holes in many of the clubs in the start. Unfortunately, you could record to regular operation. “This is because they are dependent on the sports halls of the city’s schools, which have not been released yet by the city.” This hygiene concepts would be available for a long time.

If the clubs do not offer soon again, before you a cancellation wave. “For many smaller clubs, a termination wave can mean fast the full.” Except for an Opening before the summer holidays, the city had to suspend the hall fees until the end of the year or at least significantly reduce.