The March was for Zarah Bruhn, one of the most difficult and at the same time most productive months of the year. The Munich-based founder of the Start-ups, Social Bee had first of all to your employees due to the Corona-crisis in short-time work, and worried about the existence of your business. “At first I was frustrated, and I’ve been in a funk,” she says. But then she spoke with a friend about the Situation. He motivated them to be active. To sink instead of in Worry, she looked to the front. Their guiding question: “What can I do in my free time, in this Situation something Positive to contribute?”

In a short time founded Bruhn, a new company, the App provides a shopping help digital organized. The “Bring-&-Ring”application works like this: There are the so-called charm, want to take a shopping for someone. And there are the wrestlers who can’t leave their apartment out of date and therefore a shopping list in the App to upload. The providers can see who is in need of in your environment, just something from the supermarket, the drugstore or the pharmacy, and the wrestlers with the needed food supply. Currently, the App carries over funding. However, “We develop a use concept, which is also after the pandemic is economically viable,” says Bruhn.

“In times of crisis, you realize faster, where the problems are.”

Also for Start-ups to fight in the Corona of a crisis for Survival, because often they have was hardly any financial return. According to a study by the Federal Association of German Start-ups from April, nine out of ten Start-ups are hampered in your business by Corona, more than 80 percent of even its existence is threatened. Some sectors are particularly affected, such as tourism, Start-ups, which, Flixbus and Getyourguide. Before the crisis, they could still announce a big funding round and is considered a carrier of hope for the scene. But since travel is no longer possible, a break to them the sales.

According to the German Federal Ministry for economic Affairs and energy of around 15 per cent of all founders were, in the year 2017 with a novelty on the regional, German and international market. The Ministry is one of 430,000 new full-time jobs each year through Start-ups. Therefore, the Federal government has launched an aid package of two billion euros on the way to keep the German Start-up scene alive. Christian Miele, President of the Federal Association of German Start-ups, warns, however, that the money needs to arrive as quickly as possible with the founders. “It is not possible, Start to support ups in a timely manner in the Corona-crisis, we fear, a Start-up Die and a damage of the entire ability to innovate in Germany”, he says.

Even more important, it is not just for start-UPS, to despair and to understand the crisis as an opportunity. Some companies easy for you, because your business fits the model perfectly in the Corona time. The tele-medicine Start-up online doctor: Its founders have launched a Portal on which the users of online advice from a skin doctor of your choice can get. Since the Corona, the access numbers are increasing strongly, more and more dermatologists want to work with the Start-up. And also the e-learning platform Sofatutor is happy about record-breaking numbers of users – thanks to Homeschooling.