It is one of the common places, in dealing with the Corona pandemic, on the one hand fear, on the other hand, it is hoped that after their end much more so will be as it was. This not only affects the travel behavior, the Situation in the meat industry, the diversity of the artistic life designs, but in addition to many other areas of the universities.

with reference to Bertolt Brecht’s play “The measure” has Markus Steinmayr studied under the Heading of “the school of The absence,” the teaching piece that will be given this day under the title Corona to the universities. In the sign of the digitization of the new “behaviour and attitudes” practiced – for a different, better future. In his analysis, Steinmayr identified then stakeholders who don’t have initiated the process, in the “temporary exception situation”, but the Task Forces, and consequences to decide:. You remind Steinmayr to the “Council of people’s Commissars” and acted in “almost Leninist manner”. Target point is the generation of an attitude of consent, ultimately, the immaturity of the academic staff against decisions. The finding is, in fact, so evident, as it should be according to Steinmayrs reasoning?

balance between the interests of faculty and students

of Course, have sought numerous i.e. rectors and bureaux in the past few years, structural reforms in terms of higher education Governance or carried out, which were seen in some Places as interference in the freedom of Science. The recommendations of the Imboden Commission have raised concerns. Apart from the promotion of new talent with their established Tenure System is always looked back with horror to the United Kingdom and of the consequences of a commercialised University be warned. It is a quite coherent picture of The teaching results and research freedom device, it is only since the Corona pandemic, but now all the stronger under pressure.

You will need to distinguish between the structural measures, the high-school leads and deaneries in terms of governance, more Power, and the ways of Dealing with the challenges of the pandemic. It is first of all something Good that the universities were able to act in this particular case, quickly and consistently – by the way, particularly with a view to the interests of the students who were early to rely on reliable and agreed, it was communicated.

In the course of the transition to largely digital teaching and processes a Top-down structure; experience and suggestions of all the organization obtained are also by no means everywhere units, at the same time a minimum level of uniformity and legal certainty must be guaranteed. The lines will ultimately bear the responsibility.

In this sense, the incriminated Task prepare Forces decisions or take care of the possibilities of the implementation. Just institutional Managers such as deans are doing a lot these days immensely, and strive for balance between the interests of faculty and students, as well as the legal or administrative requirements.