specialists of the internationally active asset management company Janus Henderson Investors examined the latest us measures against the controversial Chinese network equipment supplier Huawei. One of their findings: The restrictions are likely to affect China’s investments in network expansion in the country.

Mark Fehr

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

Although the new rules are aimed, in the view of the three portfolio managers Richard Clode, Graeme Parker and Alison Porter specifically against Huawei, will be the Smartphones of the company is likely to be less affected. Probably much more important, the consequences of the sanctions, however, for the Development of 5G network in China.

a Drastic reaction?

to be feared Because of the strong and specific effects of an escalation of the conflict between the two trading is now powers. A drastic reaction to China’s retaliation for the restrictions was not to exclude. The debate about technology is not only in the character of the trade war, rather, from an American point of view of national security. America blame in the face of the outbreak of the Corona pandemic to China to play in the run-up to the American presidential elections, according to the portfolio managers a role.

The American Ministry of Commerce had announced in mid-may, new restrictions against foreign technology firms, about a year after the first America’s actions against companies such as Huawei were in force. The sanctions have, according to Janus, Henderson Investors impact on the entire semiconductor industry, as well as subsidiaries and suppliers of Huawei, the major semiconductor manufacturers TSMC from Taiwan.

America’s President, Donald Trump has extended the about a year ago, pronounced a spell now until 2021. Washington called in the instructions, no company name, but the restrictions aimed in particular at Chinese technology corporations like Huawei or ZTE. Government representatives, trade Minister Wilbur Ross, have referred to Huawei in Talk as a threat to the United States, or as a tool of the Communist party of China.

Google for Huawei blocked

The measures taken by the government to block cooperation and trade between American and Chinese companies. Who wants to do business with companies that are on a black list of the us government, is allowed only with a special license.