It’s not going well for the German car industry. First, there is no purchase premium, then the plans for the new motor vehicle tax known. Key message: Great to be exposed to heavy, fast People from the year 2021 is significantly stronger.

The long been the products of desire, which have led many consumers to reach really deep in the bag – much to the delight of the local manufacturers, which have long earned so magnificently, and to the detriment of the climate. But for some time, the business model is no longer running around. The Corona-crisis pushed the sales figures down again.

people Buy now before the new year quickly for a high five-digit amount for a big SUV, in order to secure the favourable tax rate car, for life? This is unlikely to happen.

Only one thing is for sure: in the medium term, most of the models with the internal combustion engine increases for all the stress. Perhaps the German industry should produce more Pick-ups. The fats flatbed trucks are anything but climate-friendly, but should be strongly relieved. Thus, to properly understand all that is not.