The law of January to comply with the CO2 pricing is in breach, according to a commissioned by the FDP faction of legal opinions drawn against the Constitution. The end of 2019 fuel emission trading act (SESTA) announced the Grand coalition was due to its construction unconstitutional, in the opinion of the heads of state and administrative rights activist Rainer Wernsmann, which was presented on Tuesday in Berlin.

the reason is that the CO2 tax has been recognised in the Form of a fixed price and without a limit on the total amount of emissions. However, this was not constitutionally possible. According to the report, the law would fail before the Federal constitutional court.

The FDP sees itself, in their criticism of the law is confirmed. “An unconstitutional price for CO2 would shake the confidence of citizens in climate policy is difficult,” said the climate policy spokesman of the FDP group in the Bundestag, Lukas Köhler. The Federal government should stop the Swiss stock exchange act, therefore, and instead, through the expansion of the EU emissions trading scheme a “Constitution-compliant CO2 price” on the way.