“steam noodle Blues”, “semolina dumplings affair” or “meat loaf junkie”: The detective stories of Rita Falk
have a cult status, as well as the movies. But those who hoped the new crime Comedy “kaiserschmarrn drama” with the village policeman Franz Eber Hofer this summer, will be disappointed.

“Under the current requirements, it is not simply possible to start the new movie as planned in August,” said Constantin head Martin Moszkowicz of the German
press Agency in Munich. As a reason he’s called the Hygiene standards that are currently in place due to the Corona pandemic in cinemas and about the number of seats limited strong.

in addition, these films lived by the atmosphere in the hall. “There’s a real folk festival atmosphere in the cinema.” Movie theater in Bavaria are allowed to open from Monday again, but only with up to fifty spectators per room. “Because many cinemas are going Bankrupt. They can’t cover their costs“, says Moszkowicz. “I very much hope that you will have to readjust yet.”

Also, for film distributors, it is a little interesting, to show their films, often not even half-full halls. “If there is no reasonable capacity in the cinemas, there will be no reasonable movies, the start. And if not a good and successful movies start, can’t survive in the cinema,” said Moszkowitz, who has produced films like “Fack ju Göhte”, or “He’s back”.