Frankfurt, swimmers can appreciate happy. According to Boris Zielinski, managing Director of the Frankfurt Bäder GmbH, will be equal to 15. June, the day on which the state government due to the Corona pandemic imposed a lockdown has been lifted, the Bretanobad, the Rebstockbad, the stadium track, as well as the outdoor pools Escher Heim and Hausen for the General public open. So far, only club floats and the participants of swimming courses into the water were in Frankfurt. The concept of Hygiene demanded by the visitors masks to the cashier to wear on the way to the locker room and to the pool. The distance rules must also be used while Swimming on separate paths observed. As a rule of thumb, tens of square meters per guest applies for the lawns. Tickets can only be purchased online to avoid queues at the tills. The baths are open twice a to five hours, in-between, you will be thoroughly disinfected.

Actually, the club should be swimming from 1. June to again be possible. For the Offenbacher Wald swimming pool on the rose height, this appointment was not, however, to. This has mainly to do that the First Offenbacher swimming club (EOSC) operates the only remaining public bath in Offenbach. It is planned to 22. June, the 50-Meter pool to release. 29. June to may according to the plans then all the other members as well as non-members in the pool.

Limited use

The Wiesbaden outdoor pools Kallebad, Opelbad and small field open on Friday, 19. June. Tickets are only available online. “Because the water surfaces and the deck surfaces in our outdoor pools are of different size, there will be different Numbers of people limits,” says Thomas Baum, plant Manager of the Spa operation, Matti Aqua and refers to the website The access will initially be exclusively with pre-purchased Online Tickets. Changing cabins and lockers are available in all bathrooms in sufficient number available. Also, the use of the showers will be restricted. The sports areas, such as the beach volleyball fields, remain closed. According to the needs of Matti Aqua will rely on the support of a security service to ensure the clearance rules. 23. To June, the Thermalbad Aukammtal (excluding sauna area), on 27. June, the outdoor swimming pool century architecture open. The hall baths Kostheim, small field and the leisure pool Mainzer roads remain for the time being exclusively for the club sport open.

to open In Hanau, Germany, until the beginning of the summer, the swimming pools vacation will be aiming for. Until then, have in the two water baths to be replaced, also the pools are clean. In the Main-Taunus-Kreis, the Park pool opens in Kriftel at the earliest the 20. June. The city of Hattersheim has already decided that the operation in your outdoor pool on Monday, 22. June starts.

At certain times

Nine coupled outdoor pools and a swimming lake are in the high Taunus district. First of all, the king of Steiner outdoor pool is planned for Monday, 22. June, open. Until the beginning of July it will take for the Kurbad königstein. The Bad Homburg Seedammbad follows on the 26. June. The box mountain municipality Schmitten, with the outdoor swimming pool on 1. To start July in the shortened season. “Before the summer holidays” is the goal for the forest swimming pool in Neu-Anspach. The outdoor pool Friedrich, the village, the forest swimming pool in Kronberg, the Taunabad in Oberursel, the Wehrheim Ludwig-Bender-bath, and the Usinger Hatt stone pond, no date can call. In some swimming pools tickets must be purchased in advance and online, you will be linked to certain times.

The Mombacher outdoor swimming pool in Mainz, Germany, is already open for two weeks under strict hygiene conditions. In spite of several restrictions, visitors will have to pay more than in the past: Five Euro for adults, four euros for children and young people. Guests should arrive with abgezähltem money and a from the Internet at home to download the form at the checkout. However, 95 percent of the visitors were “friendly” and all glad to see that the over 35,000 square feet of lawn available standing at the end of recreation area on the Upper cross road in the suburb of Mombach ever again, says managing Director Torsten Traxel. Currently a day, two layers could be used to make – in the morning, from 6 to 12 o’clock, and after a break to Clean 13 to 20 – for a maximum of 1500 bathers offered. The biggest change there is in the basin, it needs to cross to be floated. In the case of a prescribed minimum width per lane of five meters, you would have been able to otherwise give only four 50-Meter-strip-free.