Put away – forever. That was a tabloid-claim of the Basta-Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD). The CDU interior Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, the skin is now in the same vein: child abuse, like murder.

And murder will be punished with life imprisonment. The Federal Minister of justice had, apparently, not unimpressed, which had been shown previously sceptical as to whether abuse to be classified as a crime, to be punished with a minimum of one year in prison is.

The crucial question is of course: How are children protected in the best way? Since time immemorial, perpetrators of the offense on children, except where a threat came, for always “” be locked away could. Those horrible networks allow higher penalties to smash? It can’t be that a multiple convicted offender can continue to drive on the loose.

on the Other hand, need to be recast enough room for the punishment of milder cases. This also applies to the possession of child pornographic material, the ends in the digital era, and also a fake can be; even an investigation can mean social death. But undoubtedly, the demand for these appalling acts to stop. The swamp needs to be drained.

If the enlightenment and the deterrent effect of penalties on the drive-controlled offenders are limits, it must be an effective prosecution possible. More light in the Darknet! Here are all of the possibilities are not yet exhausted. Although has pulled over the years, almost every public effective crime-new proposals and restrictions, and the abuse to take numbers.