Since the free travel within Europe (some Eastern European countries and Russia aside) is approved in the next week, the impatience of travelers and business people on the targets beyond the European continent. While the Germans advised the foreign Minister Heiko Maas on Thursday in the Wake of his “neighbourhood Initiative” with the colleagues of the twelve most important German holiday and transit countries, was held in Brussels, the EU-Commission with the question of when the citizens of which non-European States should be allowed to travel to Europe again.

Thomas Gutschker

Political correspondent for the European Union, Nato and the Benelux countries, based in Brussels.

F. A. Z.

John Age

Political correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

Who may enter the country first in the countries of the EU, Chinese or American? Ylva Johansson, the EU Commissioner, was pressed on Thursday for an answer. “The Commission will draw up any list,” said the Swede, you see only as a Partner, of the member States support. Three criteria should guide the deliberations, which began on Thursday. The most Important is the epidemiological situation is: Only if it is at the level of the EU countries, or better, should drop the restrictions for a third country.

in addition, this country needs to ensure at least the same infection control rules in airports and aircraft, as they apply to the EU. And finally, the EU is demanding full reciprocity: The third country must also open up to travellers from the Schengen area completely.

The States have different interests

The member States are now faced with a quite “difficult path”, as Johansson even admitted. Because naturally there are different interests. Malta and Cyprus, for example, can already people from some third countries to enter the country. Portugal would like to record the Connections to Brazil, where the infection rate is far above the EU-level. And Germany as an export nation, has a private interest, as many business Connections resume.

Decide to of course Pay, not the interest. For the first time, the Commission is called a reference variable for the infection to a maximum of fifty new infections rate: per 100,000 inhabitants. That is the German limit value, from which the counties are to take action. In Europe, he has been respected over a two week period by all the member States, “with the exception of a few regions,” said the authority. Clearly, this value, however, is not. It depends on how intensively a state test, and, as he accurately reports its Numbers.

Johansson warned explicitly against national go-it-alone. If a state is not with the other vote, “there is a great risk that it comes in the Schengen area to new restrictions”. While each state is sovereign, whom he makes in-enter – the Commission has no competence. But this is also a decision for the entire Union, when the free travel in the Schengen area is possible.