the Green party’s leaders in the Lorentz Tovatt, – as is well-known to the general public, as the member of parliament who wishes to Swedish companies out of business – has written yet another biased opinion piece. There are allegedly things of both the Research policy on the environment, such as the members of the board, which is not true at all.

if you are currently working in both parts of the government that we, in the opposition, in order to produce crisp and actionable proposals in order to mitigate the financial implications of the coronavirus for the Swedish economy. It is of paramount importance in order to secure jobs in Sweden. The government has put forward a series of measures which we conservatives stand behind it fully. We believe, however, that it is not enough, but it will take more than that.
Save job
It is not only the industry and manufacturing companies are severely affected, but also in the services sector. Cancellation of the event, and to the lower occupancy rates in the hospitality industry are a few examples of the impact of the coronavirus.

To the contrast of the Green party’s leading members, so we want to save every single Swedish a job. It requires a lot of responsibility, including that of political representation. Then, it is not acceptable to put the time and energy to search for conflicts that do not exist. Greens will continue to enjoy access to air routes and airports are being closed down and that the car companies are threatened with bankruptcy, and write the Date, and Ericsson.Photo by: JOHAN NILSSON/TT
But where is the Green party’s representative in the debate on the gifttunnorna in the Baltic sea? There are about 23 000 gifttunnor dumped between Sundsvall, sweden and island of Gotland, containing 10 tons of mercury. Here we have the Conservatives been warning of the consequences of the mp/s-the government is not taking adequate action to reduce emissions from the gifttunnorna. We can now see that the match is increasing in the fish of the sea.

Serious-minded political parties needs to be
At the a period of time when it is necessary, that the legitimate parties are collected, and to take responsibility for the uk’s leading greens, to celebrate the routes and the airports shut down and car companies are threatened with bankruptcy. It is quite remarkable.

Member Date (“M”).

a Member of the western Region (M).

READ MORE: , the Lorentz Tovatt: M lacking in scruples, when the power is to be taken over. READ MORE: , Lars Beckman: A: more and more companies wish to PM the living daylights out of?

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