Pokémon may be 27 years old, but they remain a key part of popular culture. Nintendo’s video game series (which later spawned an animated series) remains one of the most popular franchises in the world. Each game released is a real box office in its sales, exceeding tens of millions of copies distributed all over the world.

This Pokémon mania has reached its climax, as Ouest-France tells us. A district of the city of Henderson, located near Las Vegas in Nevada, has shown itself by giving names of Pokémon to its new streets. In the casting, we thus find streets Salamèche, Dracaufeu, Rondoudou, Ronflex or Squirtle. On the other hand, no mention is made of a street Pikachu, yet perhaps the best known of them.

But how did such a whimsical idea come to the minds of Henderson’s decision makers? Andrea Miller, the site manager of the developer in charge of the new district, explained to the American channel Channel 8: “When you come home from work and the day has gone badly, and you have to spend by the rue Rondoudou, necessarily, it will make you smile! A welcome lightness.