the Shelves of masks and hand disinfectant empty at many pharmacies. The sales have gone, and among the several pharmacies, it has been a shortcoming on the part of suppliers, which has meant that it has not been possible to buy into the new one, worried about the swedes bought out the stock.

” We have received information that there was a queue at any of our pharmacies, under the the previous ones, it is not normal. People are generally afraid of the coronavirus, they do want to be prepared and have everything they could possibly need right at home, and we are seeing an increase köptryck on some of the products”, says Anna Bergstedt, head of communications, pr tankar tour trade.

the TT has been talking with several pharmacy chains that shows that the pressure is very high.

” We have noticed that clients have started to stock up pain killers, fever thermometers, and other common förkylningsprodukter. In the month of February, the normal high rate, but we are looking for a high level of demand on the basis of the coronavirus, ” says Linda Wakeham, editor-in-chief of the Crown drug store.
Doubled the sales of a Particular, the question of how access to medicines is affected by the production in China is limited, due to the virus has been in the last couple of days. More than half of all the active ingredients contained in many of the important drugs being manufactured there.

Linda Wakeham see, but there is no danger that it will be the same as the lack of antibiotics and other products.

” no, No, no, in the short term. As we will see in the long term, we do not have much insight, in which the substances that are produced in China, but they know the Fda.

Not at the Pharmacy you see someone’s lack of the pain killers is linked to the coronavirus, however, an increase in sales of pain killers and overall.

” the Sales of, for example, hand disinfectant, is, in principle, a doubling compared to the previous year. That is not end of the day is a simple mask, but they are not designed to protect against viruses at all, but to the person who has it is not to infect other people. We would like to have it at home, so that people can buy them, but we want you to buy them by the right reasons, he says Sound, press officer at the Pharmacy.

< Köpbegränsning

a number of pharmacies have introduced a köpbegränsning of the layers of the hand disinfectant should be sufficient any longer.

” You must only buy two large bottles of 500 ml, and three of the small bottles, at the same time. Many in the industry, has implemented the restriction, he says the Fresh from the Pharmacy.

However, the Fda has not, to date, have received no signals that the restnoteringarna has increased as a result of the coronavirus. It is, says Johan Andersson, head of unit for pharmaceuticals in the operation of the agency.

” the Asset is in Sweden at the moment is generally not affected. At this time we have not received any restanmälan on the basis of the coronavirus, either in italy or in Europe. On the other hand, is a risk in the long term due to the interference of the virus has resulted in the supply chain. But what, or to what extent it might be possible not to speculate in, there are a great deal of uncertainty, ” he said.

READ MORE: a number of new cases in Sweden, and 161 is now infected. READ MORE: is the Director of the infection rate Can be made fast. READ MORE: of the Food you should have on hand in the event of major coronakris