by Charlotte Perrelli, 45, and mr Gilbert, 43, found each other, when the two had gone their separate ways, with a different partner.

At the start of the season of the ”Together with the Strömstedts” opens up about his love and all of that has gone by the way – and it’s beautiful.

“When you’re nyförälskad, there is also a tremendous amount of power, in the sense of hope, and it’s so great that you feel like,’ oh my god what if it may be so that you would have liked for a long time”. We had, as well as a second chance to do the right thing, and that you are grateful for that, ” says the Sweden of the programme, and is supported in his opinion of Jensen.

He and Jensen have a daughter, Izabella, with the tv personality “for a while”, 45, Sweden, has two sons Alessio and Angelo exmaken Nicola Perrelli, 51, taken together, they have two sons, Adrian and Alvin, and it is not always easy.

a Difficult topic of conversation,

, When the pair sit down together with Niklas Strömstedt, 61, and Jenny in the primary schools, 47, at the dinner table, Jenny will check on the Anders Jensen’s daughter, Izabella.

” You will, of course, from a rather thorny situation with a daughter who has been a patient suffering from cancer, but you could be part of it too or something? she asks.

” I understand the question, the scars are left behind, and maybe .. the concern.. the concern is always. It will be a different kind of….,reply to Anders Jensen.

He stops, and takes out of the mouth.

” it’s hard to talk about this. wonder, Jenny, and hotels and resorts.

Jensen nods.

” It’s heavy. It is jättejättetung, say, Sweden.

He and Jensen nods again and the tears begin to roll down his cheeks.

“And that fear is never from you, and that’s what you get deala with quite simple,” says Charlotte Perrelli.

the Anders Jensen’s emotional words about Izabelle
Izabella was only a two-and-a-half when she was diagnosed with leukemia. Then Charlotte Perrelli and Anders Jensen as a couple, and Sweden were at the hospital and we had to take her in for tests.

” It was a very tough period to go through. It was a couple of months you lived in the hospital, and the response of a variety of things. At the beginning, then goes black, the world is as it is told. It’s a bit like dying when you get there. It is a constant worry, ” says Anders Jensen.

He tells me that it was a terrible thing to leave to his daughter before surgery.

” When a man leaves his daughter in the operating room, and I know that it is physically impossible, but over the next thirty or forty minutes, then inhale it. It is life-or-death. It is a terrible disease and a terrible situation to be in.

Charlotte Perreli tells us that the period was very difficult, and turning to her husband.

“You knew that it was hard to get into the role, and have a second child, if it were not so, it would work for Izabella, when you had wanted to go with her,” she says, tears beginning to fall down her cheeks.

today, it is seven years since that Izabelle was fully recovered.
Jenny Strömstedt on Jensen: ”Brave”
Jenny of hotels and resorts, tells the programme that she is impressed by the Anders Jensen’s open it up.

” I have a great respect for people like andrew and Charlotte have been through a trauma, and that really, really needs to transform your whole being, that is indeed the case, and you have an entirely different outlook on life. There is no requirement in this program, you will have to share with them, what do I do if I want to, and then I thought, well, he was very brave. Jättemodig.

his hotels and resorts, says that he believes that the mood has been captured well in the program.

” It’s burning, it’s real. There are many people who have been through the hard stuff and end up in the situation and the feeling when you are going to tell you about it, regardless of whether it is for the tv cameras. It is, after all, can be enough to think of such a thing, so you can have a meltdown.

the Gp has been applied for by Charlotte Perrelli, who does not wish to comment further.

”Along with the Strömstedts” is broadcast on TV4 in sweden on Wednesday, 21: 00.
Charlotte Perrelli about her pregnancy. READ MORE: Charlotte Perrellis, the first words on giving birth: ”Oh my god”

READ MORE: Perrellis namnavslöjande – after dramatic birth