Ola-Conny Wallgren, 56, and mr Karlsson, who is 47, are just a few of the main characters of the television program ”Popularity”. Since its inception, they have been working together for the picture of them is the fact that they are doing it all together.

However, that is not the reality of the situation. In recent times, my colleagues drifted apart, and now the ” Ola-Conny, that they do not get along at all during their leisure time.

” He’s got his and I have mine, and there’s not enough time for. We will meet you at the job and make the Popularity, and other things together, but we hang out not in private, ” he said.
Ola-Conny: ”Have, indeed, a life of its own”
When the software was released in 2009, was the event He and Morgan’s friends. They went out and danced together, and the event He helped Morgan back to the farm.

On the basis of ”Popularity”-the success of the couple got to make their own television program, ”A powerful journey”, where, together, they travelled all around the world. Ola-Conny is believed that they may have been a little bit tired of each other, to work so very well together.

” We got a little tired of each other, it may be enough to say that.

in the event He tells me that has been annoyed by the fact that many people think that he and Morgan are joined together. As soon as he does something, people ask where Morgan is, ” he said.

” I actually do have a life of their own, and we can’t keep up with each other 24 hours a day. It’s like they think I am, and he doesn’t have any other life other than to just be with each other. And then, I get a bit annoyed.

READ MORE: , the event started touring aggressive stance: ”can’t keep up with the Morgan””a Dispute with each other, and the internet”
He stressed, however, that those old friends don’t have an argument. They have just drifted apart.

” We are not at loggerheads. It is true we have been in disagreement with each other and the internet, and thought, and thought is different. We’ve been kind and not talked to you in a day or two. He is stubborn in their own way, and I’m in the middle. It may be that we have not always drawn all the time, but it is not at this time.

he said that He and Morgan are an important part of the program.

”Popularity”, we are up to and what we have always done it that way, you can never, ever change. It is, of Morgan and Ola-Conny as well, as that is the only way. There had not been any application to exhibit. It’s ingrained, and people love it.

READ MORE: Great to Miljonsmällen of Morgan and Ola-Conny, after the success of the READ MORE: in the event He reveals kärleksproblemet