the Risk of a general spread of the coronavirus in Sweden is expected to remain as the low of the Folkhälsomyndigheten. So far, only two people have been infected by the virus, in Sweden.

the Swedish national Board of health and the Folkhälsomyndigheten has been identified, and health care preparedness for a possible outbreak in Sweden. All of the 21 regions were asked to answer the survey questions and a do from the for a month or so ago.

the daily News has been asked to be a part of the official national language of the isoleringskapacitet, and the number of intensivvårdsplatser in isolation.

this informs the Board that the data is of a confidential nature, it’s because you want to make sure that sensitive information is not divulged, it is said Taha, Alexandersson, deputy krisberedskapschef by the Swedish national Board of health told the newspaper. She also says that she understands that there is a public interest in the figures.

“We have taken the view that this is the minority report of the information, and then it is up to each region to make its assessment,” says Taha, Alexandersson for GENERATIONS.”
Capable of coping with the virus outbreak
the Magazine has been approached by all the regions, in order to obtain the statistics of the situation. Out of all the regions in the united kingdom, it is the only one that chose to present its figures, the Region of Jämtland, Härjedalen, sweden. There are seven, were going to the isolation room with controlled negative pressure, and for five beds, and two of the examination room in the infektionsavdelningen. And one of the rooms in the pediatric intensive care unit, which can be used for both above and below atmospheric pressure.

the Majority of regions, however, are not available for the DN’s poll, with a reference to the Board’s decision, despite the fact that they have an opportunity to make their own decisions.

in some regions in south-central Sweden, including the Region of Värmland and the Region of Dalarna, has responded to the DN’s of the questions. You don’t want to specify exactly how many beds they have, but they say that they have taken the view that it has the capacity to manage an outbreak of the coronavirus.

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