the death of The CLUB’s failure in 2019, many of them.

in Addition to the club, all the setbacks, there is no secret that people are grappling with huge financial problems.

on the Day before christmas eve in 2019, it was announced that the club gets the season, and, thus, is allowed to play in the top division next season after the football association board as modified licensnämndens decision.

One of the arguments that persuaded the board of appeal, where a non-resident, secret, agreement of 15 million dollars. SportExpressen was on Friday, revealing that Östersund FK:I am the sponsor is a small business in Cyprus, with the name of the Puls8, the owner, who totalförnekar one involvement with the club.

The CLUB backing of more than 40 million
since Then, the Aftonbladet newspaper reported that a non-profit organization, will make a minusresultat of 40 million euros, something that is certain to make.

When the club released their financial statements for the years 2019, during Wednesday night, it says, minus sek 40.7 million in the last line of the display.

first of all, the club’s revenue, slumped. To have had a turnover of 118 million in 2017 and sek 132 million in the year 2018, the raging of the total income of sek 48 million in the year 2019.

The two main explanations, as compared with the year 2018, according to the annual report, the loss of income from player sales, and the games in Europe.

his report points to the club of a reduction in gate receipts, the reduction of the sponsorship, and that you have a pending compensation to the legal dispute on the Saman Ghoddos 10 million.

at the same time, have a non-profit organization’s have not been able to reduce their costs as much as has been necessary in order to save the results. Compared to the year 2018 when it was 123 million of the cost, it has only been able to reduce the cost of 99 million by 2019.

99 million in costs and the previously mentioned 48 million in revenue, that means less 51 million on the company. Due to a reversal of the previous earnings of just over sek 10 million, through a reserve, have a non-profit organization, managed to bring down the losses to sek 40.7 million.

a non-profit organization’s executive director: ”I am hope”
with the loss, the club’s shareholders ‘ equity went from a positive, at just over 14 million, with a negative equity of more than 20 million dollars.

in the past, reads the football association’s requirements for the season, among other things, to be able to show a positive shareholders ‘ equity as at the end of the year, which is at the moment looking to say the least, problematic for The CLUB.

” of course, We need to straighten up the negative equity. On the basis of the trial balance drawn up as of 31 August of the preceding year. And, secondly, in order to be able to have a future season of football, says the club’s managing director, Lennart Ivarsson for The Record, and continued:

” still, I’m excited about that. The situation may look bad, but it’s better than the same time last year in the autumn. I think that it is possible for us to be able to play the inexperienced soccer in full by 2020, ” says Lennart Ivarsson.

the Club’s auditor, Mr Child has given his / her opinion on the financial statements, and points to, among other things, that there is ”substantial doubt about the company’s ability to continue as a business”.

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