on Wednesday’s episode of ”Jill’s veranda”, Jill Johnson, 46, and a visit by the artist Emil Svanängen, 40, who is best known as Loney, dear. He has been working on his music since the early 2000’s, and has moved on to Nashville, tennessee to face Johnson. He has a perfect righteousness growing up, which means that some of the conversations about spirituality.

Svanängen, has also been playing a lot in churches, but says that his faith in the principle of the non-existent. The question is, Jill Johnson is a private matter of faith.

” Hey, you grew up in a nonconformist environment, but you didn’t believe?, ask the Johnson of the ”Jill’s veranda”.

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She continues:

” I’ve never had anyone on the porch have some sort of as well as the hook in the first. So, no matter where you are in the day, so I think it’s very exciting.

Svanängen tells me that he believes that the power of religion is that it is horrible to live in, and that is that people need to have a story in order to be able to manage their lives.

” That’s perfectly reasonable. People need to believe in anything at all like, say, Svanängen of the program.

in Addition to the artists, touches on the spiritual aspect of the program, do they play well the songs. Emil Svanängen is a surprise addition, Jill is having a private concert. In a church, in Nashville, in front of the artist as a psalmklassiker, which he translated. In addition to Svanängen and his voice, it’s just Jill is a Johnson, and a priest in the church.

” What, surprised I was. It’s great fun, ” says Jill Johnson, in ”Jill’s veranda”.

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