to: Tomas Lilja, who is distributionsområdeschef on Its promise that the week will continue with business as usual. The reason for the closure, he explains, is that Its need to look at the costs involved.

” the Handling of physical mail decreases more and more. To have a brevbärarkontor in the two will help us to save on all the transport costs, ” he says.

the Relocation is done in may
On 8 may, the post office building with associated ten-factors-to move from the main street in Hörby to the Veterinärgatan in the town of Höör.

” We’ve been talking about this for a long time. People who live in Hörby, is, well, not happy, but at the same time, the full understanding of that decision, ” says Tomas Lilja.

the Week will look identical. The difference is that, for a total of 20 factors based from their office in the town of Höör.

“We’re not going to hit as hard by the sjukanmälningar now that they have become more and more employees are in the same place,” says Tomas Lilja.

the post’s business centres are, in fact, already be closed, and the customers have for some time been directed to the town of Höör.
Evokes the reactions of the

and the mail boxes will be moved from its current location to Hörby Lantmän, something that has aroused reactions among the Hörbyborna.

” We were about to get a shock when we were told that the boxes should be moved all the way to the local Association. How many shops are there out there? said Mrs Branning in the Brannings Optik to the newspaper Skånska Dagbladet.

” I don’t think that the removal of the boxes is going to be a big problem, it is about 900 metres away. The spacing will be closer for some, farther for others, ” says Tomas Lilja.

the yellow boxes will be exactly the same place, and tömningstid you think Lily is, however, no answer as of yet.
