On a wintry Morning in January, the request, started the car filler from Franconia, Carina, Pure and Wolfgang with your Wishes-passenger, Sonja and her husband Joachim from the Franconian Switzerland in the direction of the Altmühltal.

your goal was to make a very special wish come true: once with a dog sledding! The wishes of car-guests had long dogs and were just as full of excitement and anticipation as the traveling daughter and the granddaughter. After a two-hour journey, this desire was then on a Husky Ranch in Dietfurt finally come true.
ASB Here the Wish was greeted with his passengers warmly and befitting of a Heulkonzert and wet dog noses.Grandma and granddaughter will be driving together in a sleigh

After a walk together and still not have sufficient of cuddles for the dogs and the cars were prepared for the exit. Then Sonja started together with your granddaughter on your lap for a memorable trip.


“It was a great adventure for me, you can’t describe it in words,” shines the exhausted, but happy Sonja afterwards at the camp fire with fruit tea and hot sausages. ASB A very big thank you to the great Team of Patricia and Sebastian, as well as your 23 animal helpers for the unique day! FOCUS Online donations for the wish car

FOCUS Online supports a special Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund-project as media partners: The “wish wagon” filled with dying sick people last wishes and takes you to places that you want to see again. The reports on the trips of the “wish wagon” can be read here.

you can support the rides with your donation to:

Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland e. V.
Volksbank Mittelhessen
IBAN: DE07 5139 0000 0060 8253 51
keyword: customer requests car

Or here directly via the donation form to the ASB.