“There are climate protection does not come for free,” said Schäuble in an Interview with the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”. The climate package of the Federal government should not “be sold to the people as a social benefit”.

Heating and fuel would be more expensive, even if a higher commuter lump sum, the lower power should cushion prices and cheaper train tickets, certain cure, – said Schaeuble. The transition to a climate-conscious life, but to master: “We have dealt with in the history of the much greater challenges.”

“We have to change our lives”

“We have to change our lives,” said the President of the Bundestag. As an example, he cited the tourism. It was “sure to be a great happiness, to fly to the Maldives or a visit to Venice”. But in the future, the German citizens should “make this happiness more economical in the use,” demanded the CDU politician.

protests against the planned measures, Schäuble responded calmly: “All the suits! Anyone who complains is doing something wrong, because he is not for his own interests. But we need to be careful in the climate debate before us in a permanent state of excitement into boost, because it clouds the mind. We are not directly in front of the abyss, so we should not be of anyone to be intimidated.”

the Bundestag and the Bundesrat had adopted last week, the revised law package of the German government for climate protection. It looks as of 2021, a CO2-price of 25 Euro per ton. On the other side of the railway to tickets for the forthcoming year by around ten percent cheaper. Starting in 2021, an increase of the commuter allowance for distances from 21 to also. Kilometers get five to 35 cents in power.

  • read also: New calculations: The big losers of the climate package are already fixed

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