There will be no new investigation of the killing of Pedal-Down estranged wife Brita Hansen in the wake of the TV2 documentary series ‘the Mystery of the Pedal-Ove’ and Michael Teschls book ‘the day The Brita disappeared’.

It writes The Police in a press release.

the Case has been called the biggest miscarriage of justice, where Ove Hansen was convicted and ago – with the help of his lawyer and the two DR – got the case resumed of The Special Right of appeal and acquitted for having killed Brita Hansen in december 1981 in Frederikshavn.

Ove Hansen was first convicted and later acquitted for the killing of his estranged wife Brita Hansen. Photo: Jesper Stormly Hansen

Ove Hansen helps even in the documentary series and in the book, in which he alters the explanation as to whether he was together with his then four-year-old son about the alleged gerningstidspunkt. It has importance for the alibi witnesses gave him.

the 112 – 24. nov. 2019 – at. 13:13 Pedal-Down son of the danger: Therefore, he starred in the documentary

Ove Hansen died, however, 23. in november this year, in the days after that second title out of three in the documentary series was broadcast on TV 2.

– Already because of the entrepreneur The Police is not new exploration of the rise of Ove Thomas Hansen’s revised explanation, writes the police in a press release.

In the documentary series and in the book explains one of the witnesses who gave Ove Hansen, an alibi in the supposed gerningstidspunkt, that she spoke the truth,

But nor does it give rise to renewed investigation.

– in any case, a possible crime committed by witnesses in connection with their explanations, and the matter be outdated, just like the journalists of the day both are dead. Already for these reasons will not be initiated exploration in the context, write the police, who, moreover, considers that there does not in fact, in the documentary series or in the book ‘is obtained information, which may justify renewed investigation in connection with the 38-year-old drabssag’.

Ekstra Bladet spoke with Pedal-Down son in connection with his death. He told me that his 75-year-old father gave him one last message about the killing of the son’s mother.

– I had not even asked him. He said: ‘You just need to know one thing, Mads. It was not me who beat your mother to death. It is another idiot who has made it’, told Mads Hansen for the Extra Magazine.

– It of course, I was glad to hear that. But I have always believed in, and I also said to him. But it was still nice just to hear it, said he.

the 112 – 24. nov. 2019 – at. 10:01 the Pedal Down the last words on his deathbed