Eight days after the British elections has released house of the way for the exit of the UK from the EU. In the second reading the law on the ratification of the withdrawal agreement with the European Union 358 deputies voted for and only 234 against the law.

After a two-week Christmas break, the template to the beginning of the year from will be dealt with Under and by the upper house. You should at 27. January will be finally adopted. As soon as the European Parliament will actually agree to the termination agreement, is void, the EU-membership of the United Kingdom at midnight Central European time on 31 December. January, 2020.

After the electoral triumph of the Tory Prime Minister, Boris Johnson am 12. December had been clear that the government would push for the enforcement of their Brexit in Westminster, no resistance anymore. Johnson has a majority of 80 votes in the house of Commons. Even a part of the opposition members apparently saw no sense in it, to vote against the ratification of the law – although Johnson had it tightened at the last Minute. Several promises made by his government before the elections, were deleted at the end of the bill.

Parliament has no say

The main assurance was that the Parliament should be given for further negotiations with the EU a say. These say not to give it now. Alone, the government now determines what is at stake in the negotiations on the future relationship with the EU for the British side.

in The exit agreement agreed transition phase, which runs until the end of 2020, and for the duration of the United Kingdom to the provisions of the will and hold of the internal market and the customs Union, should not be extended also. A brake it is not for the representatives of the people, so, even if Johnson’s government is heading in the December of next year, again on a No Deal-a cliff and a comprehensive Chaos at the borders and in the two-sided relations risks.

it could come to this, has excluded the Prime Minister. He has assured that he sees no Problem in the agreement of a free trade agreement with Brussels within eleven months. So the EU could not but some until the end of 2020, to such a trade Treaty with London, will you operate from 2021 onwards, on the basis of the world trade organization (WTO) and customs duties.

Labour leader Corbyn warns of deregulation

Because Johnson refuses to adapt to British rules and regulations to EU regulations, in principle, are British observers overwhelmingly sceptical that it can come to an agreement. The Premier himself said on Friday, however, with this harsh attitude of London strength of its negotiating position with the EU. “Now the moment has come, we should get together to write a new Chapter in the history of our Nation,” he said.

the Fact the leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn said, Johnson wool Brexit his Deal as a “battering RAM” to the deregulation of the United Kingdom use and Land into the arms of Donald trump’s push for a “toxic Deal” with Washington. Other previously-given promise are in any case included in the new act of ratification. The United Kingdom should have, for example, after Brexit, not the EU guarantees of Protection for workers and employees, and environmental protection provisions of the Union’s orientation.

such A voluntary adaptation was one of the vows from the October, been, with whom Johnson sought to draw at the time, hesitant Labour MPs to his side. With his new Tory majority is the Premier, opposition needs to vote but. Brexit-Minister Stephen Barclay said, such matters would in future be regulated independently of the EU, their own British laws. In many areas the UK is no longer superior to the Europeans, anyway: “that’s Why we have it is necessary that the EU sets these Standards.”

Johnson believes Brexit by the end of January for “done”

Similarly, from the act of ratification of the previously offered admission of refugee children from Europe who want to join their families in the UK has been deleted. That this was self-deleted obligation, called the head of the Labour party Corbyn, an “absolute disgrace”. Also, charitable organizations have referred to the Absence of such a scheme as “shocking” and warned that the lives of children is at risk.

it was Confirmed that the three and a half years existing Brexit-the Ministry immediately after the formal withdrawal of the UK from the EU will be the end of January, dissolved. Individual parts of the Ministry, and hundreds of experts be transferred to other departments, such as the foreign trade Ministry. Even the word Brexit should disappear from the next year, from the language of the government. By the end of January 2020, Boris Johnson believes the Brexit for “done” and so his election promise to have redeemed.

Created: 20.12.2019, 17:52 PM