as soon As you left the apartment, forgets the cat, that is, their Central task is to be in the heart. Instead, she remembers the Predator in. And attack all that are smaller than them – not only mice and rats, but also birds, frogs, and even rabbits. It has not hungry. And to that person is still against the law. A number of occasions.

cats are no longer allowed to roam freely, require two Dutch environmental rights activists in a report in the “Journal of Enviromental Law,” from which the “mirror” quoted. Strictly speaking, the animals already under current EU law, illegal behavior and should without a leash, not out. The law professors can justify your opinion with a number of laws. The international biodiversity Convention of 1992. Or the bird protection Directive of the EU.

The cat’s owner took it knowingly, write to the lawyers that your Pets Tiessen against the commandments of nature protection, vers. Every EU-state has to do something about it, when domestic birds were intentionally killed, or their nests will be disturbed. That not a single EU country, the birds Directive, is the professors clear. You also know the reason for this is that The proposed measures were “in some Parts of the society” is very unpopular.

cats keep indoors, is difficult enough. Who suggests for outside, a leash, maybe a dog. But, obviously, not a cat.

Created: 02.12.2019, 21:56 PM