It didn’t take long before a 13-year-old Izzy Louis-Seppings was referred to as ”Australia’s Greta Thunberg”.

In the photos, she can be seen demonstrating with a placard outside the prime minister’s Scott Morrison’s official residence.

”take a Look at what you have left for us. Look to us to fight it out, to see us win,” it says on a red sign.

Criticizing a holiday on the island of Hawaii
Along with the hundreds of others she had gathered to demonstrate against the fact that Scott Morrison has chosen to go on a vacation to the Hawaiian islands in the middle of the country’s crisis, the forest fires cost the lives of at least nine people and destroyed more than 700 homes.
the Destruction has been widespread, following the recent Photo to: DAN HIMBRECHTS / AP, TT NEWS agency

”How dare Scott Morrison to pull off to Hawaii in Australia is in crisis? What we need is a government that acknowledges that it is not just a normal brandsäsong, that the reason for this is climate change! Lives and homes have been destroyed with the House, is on a tropical beach with your head in the sand”, said Izzy Louis-Seppings, in an article in “The Guardian”.

During the demonstration, between the police, the young, the activist and threatening to use ”the force in order to apprehend” her, according to the Daily Mail. Defied police orders,
With tears in his eyes challenged her to the police before the protesters were led away from the scene.

”I went out with my dad, a girl fell a bus ride in the summer, the heat of the day, to call for Scott Morrison to act on climate change because I am sick and tired of seeing in my future is burning in front of my eyes,” she writes in The Guardian.

a 13-year-old is part of a Series of Areas of Sydney, and has appeared in a number of klimatdemonstrationer in Australia, writes the Daily Mail.

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READ MORE: , the Bid of the blood shed in world politics. READ MORE: , the forest Fires near Sydney, the city is enveloped in a cloud of smoke. READ MORE: : Two firefighters dead in the midst of chaos in Australia