Antonio García Ferreras discussed in Al Rojo Vivo on Monday, May 22, the racist insults that Vinicius had received in the match between Valencia CF and Real Madrid the day before. The driver of the La Sexta space was outraged by what happened and ended up exploding when discussing this matter with Borja Sanjuan Roca, spokesman for the PSOE in Valencia.

Before giving way, the presenter indicated: “He has asked us to speak because we have told today how yesterday he made a series of reflections on what he experienced in Mestalla.” One of the Valencian’s tweets indicated: “No racist insult can be tolerated, but neither can Ancelotti accuse the entire stadium of something that has not happened. Mestalla is much more than Vinicius and nobody’s lies, even if he says them feel supported by all the media power of Madrid”.

The journalist greeted him and asked him directly: “Did they insult Vinicius yesterday? Yes or no?” The interviewee stated: “Yesterday there were 4 or 40 madmen who insulted Vinicius, as well as in a racist way. The vast majority of Mestalla and Valencianism would like everyone to identify themselves and not be able to re-enter the field.”

Then he pointed out: “We cannot tolerate that a story is imposed on us from Madrid, in which all of Mestalla is racist, because that is absolutely false.” In addition, he stressed that he had publicly spoken out against ultras going to football stadiums and insisted that “mistakes cannot be made by way of generalization.”

Ferreras read a tweet that the spokesman had written: “Aren’t you ashamed to say ‘I will never defend any racist insult that could have been made to any player, but that is not what happens with Vinicius’?”

The presenter raised his tone and continued asking: “Didn’t you see what happened yesterday at the Mestalla? Do you think it’s okay that 4, 40 or 400 call you a ‘fucking monkey’ or ‘black shit’? Do you think tolerable?”. He ended up blurting out very angrily: “What are you talking about about Madrid’s story? Did they insult you yesterday in a xenophobic and racist way, yes or no?”

Borja Sanjuan Roca spoke again about “some madmen who do not represent Mestalla and who insulted a player”. The driver of Al Rojo Vivo questioned his words when he saw that he had been critical of Vinicius. “Many players have to be respected,” said the guest.

The journalist explained: “They started insulting him when he was still on the bus. He hadn’t put on his boots and they were calling him ‘black shit’ and ‘fucking monkey’. Where did he disrespect?” The PSOE spokesman regretted that these receptions are seen “in many stadiums to many players” and assured that he would have supported the referee deciding to stop the game for racist insults. “Vinicius had no respect for the Valencia fans. He disrespected them in a way, I think it was very serious, but you shouldn’t mix one thing with the other,” he declared.

Ferreras repeated in Al Rojo Vivo the insults that the Brazilian player had received and asked Borja Sanjuan Roca if his reaction seemed serious. The politician asked: “Let’s not misrepresent.”

The presenter replied: “I am not misrepresenting anything. The one who is manipulating is you when you say here that this is not what happens with Vinicius… There were not 4 or 40, there were more and you know it, but you have some elections and he has to dress as a Valencianist. Racism is serious and serious enough in this country to not do cheap populism”.

The host of the program expressed: “I agree with you, it wasn’t all Mestalla, but it was very significant. I had friends at the Valencia CF stadium and they were embarrassed. But you, who have a public responsibility, say here ‘that It’s not what happens with Vinicius'”. Then he blurted out: “The victim’s skirt is not too short.” The politician defined this comparison as “unfortunate”.

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