Saturday night is a great night in Odense, denmark as the royal couple must hand out their annual awards in the country’s third largest city.

But before the big prisshow took crown prince Frederik and crown princess Mary pass by the museum of fine arts Brandt, and here was the art studied very closely.

You could see crown princess Mary will be quite close to a feat. She came very close to with your fingers.

a Little earlier, he seems to be almost as close on the keyboard of the grand piano that was on display.

Before he got his fingers completely down on the keyboard, he pulled them to him again. Maybe because he saw the sign showed that you might not touch.

the royal couple was scheduled to have left the Brandts museum of art at 16.45 on a Saturday afternoon, but they enjoyed their trip so much, that the time drew out, and they got to see a bit more of the various exhibitions.

Brandt’s Museum is an old textile factory, which is located in the heart of Odense close to the pedestrian zone.

the royal couple were in high spirits on the day, and some of the waiting danes, who had taken up residence outside at the taste of royal car, even got a handshake of the princess Mary with on the road.

After the visit at the museum was the next item on the program the big prisuddelingsshow, where ‘the Danish crown prince rates’ to be distributed in the major cultural centre in the Odeon.

Here awards the crown prince and crown princess both rates for social action and cultural persons.

The two stjernedryspriser will be published before the show takes place, and it was the singer Jada, who got kulturprisen.

The social award goes to the organization FRAK, that works to get disadvantaged young people into work.