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Many of you are sure that you spend a lot of time on the roads, especially if you dedicate yourselves in a professional manner to the transport of goods or passengers . If this is so, many of your days you will spend traveling through the different types of roads in Spain. But, what are the types of roads that exist in our country?

From Academy of the Carrier, our academy for professional drivers, have prepared a classification of the types of roads that can be found in the country. Moreover, according to the Ministry of Development, each Spanish road has a code and a color that identifies it and the code is as that will tell us the type and the category on each leg .

Motorway or dual carriageway : Spain is full of this kind of roads. Freeways or motorways are roads that can be identified with the letter “A” followed by the corresponding number of highway/motorway. The letters and numbers are white on a blue background. Within this kind of roads can we do a branch:

National : are those that are identified with the “A” followed by the number.

toll : are identified with the letters “AP” and as its name indicates, which include tolls.

Regional : when the path belongs to the community.

Local : when are local jurisdiction and belong to a municipality.

Road of General Interest of the State : the roads of General Interest of the State, also known as national roads, are roads that are marked with the letter “N” and the corresponding number after the letter. The letters and numbers appear in white on a red background. These roads are single carriageway and are some of the roads that have more miles.

Regional first level: are the roads that are identified with the letters “CL” and behind the road number corresponding. The letters are black on an orange background.

Autonomous government of second level : his lyrics are “CM” followed by the numbers that correspond to the road. Both the letters and the numbers are white on brown background.

Regional third level : the roads to autonomous third level are those that are identified with the following letters: “CR” followed by the numbers that correspond to the highway itself. The letters are black on a yellow background.

Road of General Interest of the State in European Journey : these are the roads that belong to european itineraries and are identified because they have a prefix with the letter “E” followed by numbers. The signage is green background.